While Jetpack Compose offers a declarative approach to modern UI design, DaggerHilt simplifies dependency injection. In this article, we’ll explore how DaggerHilt integrates with Jetpack Compose and how to utilize this integration.

DaggerHilt is an optimized version of Dagger for Android. When used with Jetpack Compose, you can easily inject your dependencies into your Composable functions.

In Jetpack Compose, we constantly pass viewModels as parameters to composable functions. If we are using DaggerHilt in our project, we can easily inject these dependencies.

class MyScreenViewModel @Inject constructor(private val repository: MyRepository) : ViewModel() {
    // ...
    fun getDetail(id) {
     // ...

Set up your viewModel as shown above. Don’t forget to annotate your viewModel with “@HiltViewModel”

fun MyScreen(viewModel: MyScreenViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
      LaunchedEffect(Unit) {

You can inject your viewModel as demonstrated above, eliminating the need to pass it as a parameter. By defining your viewModel in this manner, DaggerHilt can more accurately and efficiently determine which viewModel you intend to inject, streamlining the process and ensuring correct dependency resolution.

Furthermore, it is permissible to directly define your viewModel within the composable function:

 val viewModel = hiltViewModel<MovieDetailScreenViewModel>()

DaggerHilt and Jetpack Compose form a powerful combination for modern Android applications. This integration allows you to inject your dependencies into your Composable functions easily and securely. This makes your code cleaner, more modular, and testable.